Monitor the communication of your software at runtime.

What it is ?

MMT stands for Montimage Monitoring Tool. It is a network monitoring solution based on Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology. MMT combines (1) data capture, filtering and storage, (2) events extraction and statistics collection, and, (3) traffic analysis and reporting providing, network, application and user level visibility. Through its real-time and historical views, MMT facilitates network performance monitoring and operation troubleshooting. With its advanced rules engine, MMT can correlate network and application events in order to detect performance, operational, and security incidents. An easy-to use customizable graphical user interface makes MMT suitable for different user needs.


MMT allows a granular traffic analysis capabilities through the ability to extract a wide range of network and application based traffic parameters and events (RTT, jitter, loss, HTTP response time etc.) Thanks to its powerfull rule engine it allows the detection of occurrence of complex sequence of events that conventional monitoring does not detect. This can be used for example to monitor the access control policy , for anomaly or attacks detection, advanced performance monitoring etc. MMT is available on Windows and Linux based distributions. It can be installed as software on commodity hardware or optimized for integration in dedicated probes.